2017 PVTA trail day started out with pancakes, bacon and sausage breakfast. All the food was donated by the Pemberton Valley Super Market. The grill to cook all the delicious breakfast on was donated by Sabre Rentals LTD. Thanks to everyone that helped out on cooking the great breakfast and the local companies that donated their goods. It gave us the energy to go and fling some dirt on the PVTA trails!
It was a gloomy morning but all the volunteers had smiles on their faces especially after a good cup of joe that was provided at trail day to us  from the Pemberton Valley Coffee Company.
And of course the dogs were hungry too!
Marlee, me and a few other volunteers headed up Fat Tug to put some love back into it. I think Fat Tug is arguably one of the most popular trails in the PVTA trail network! The Other trails that were worked on were Cop Killer,  the new up-track to Mosquito, Econo Dave and some trails on Signal hill.
A little reroute work on Fat Tug. I actually found some great dirt in the rocky terrain up on Fat Tug.
Marlee inspecting my work, I think she approves?
Dave and Jeff posing for the camera in between mattock swings, they look thirsty!
Marlee tamping down the berm while Dave is pointing to where the beer was. Time to drink some beer and see how the other work down lower on Fat Tug was going.
Tom's group were dialing in the gap jump and berm towards the bottom. There was a lot of dirt moved to get it to look and ride awesome! The jump was rebuilt and corner re-bermed it  looked like a dirt artist's dream come true.
Kevin getting precise with the rake and making the takeoff buttery smooth.
Kevin pointing out where he is going to send it when its done! While Penny is tamping down the smaller, but just as fun, jump. We call that the "four paw shuffle".
While Penny is making sure the trajectory of the jump is correct. Tom puts the final touches on the berm where you be scrubbing your speed after you hit the buttery smooth jumps! The PVTA trail day was another success! It was great to see so many people and dogs volunteering their time to support our amazing trail network in Pemberton with trail maintenance. Volunteers Rock!

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